VIA Rail F40PH-3

The F40PH shares the same gene as ElectroMotive’s reliable lines of freight locomotives, the GP40 and SD40 . It is the passenger version with a full width car body and geared for 103 mph. Many commuter railroads in America and VIA Rail Canada still operate variants of this locomotive today. On this post I’ll focus on the latest of the rebuilt F40s , what is referred to by railfans at the F40PH-3, rebuilt by CAD Railway Industries in Montreal, QC. Corridor train with the rebuilt F40PH-2 in Kingston, Ontario Instead using the 3,000 horsepower 16 cylinder 645 engine for traction and head-end power , the -3s have a separate Caterpillar engine to provide 500 kW of HEP and the 645 is upgraded to EPA Tier-0 compliant. Electrical components have also been modernized on these locomotives and a new painting scheme similar to the P42DCs has also been applied. A list of modifications done to the unit can be found here . Both versions of F40PH-2 leading the transcontinental passenger tr...