UTDS ICTS Mark 1 / Cha-gheill!

The ICTS (Intermediate Capacity Transit System) Mark 1 is an intermediate capacity EMU (electric multiple unit) developed by UTDS (Urban Transit Development Corporation), a former Crown Corporation (now part of Bombardier Transportation GmbH of Berlin*, Germany) based in Loyalist, Ontario just east of Kingston, in the early 1980s.  Commercial operation of the Mark 1 began in 1985 with the Toronto Transit Commission Scarborough RT and the TransLink SkyTrain of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Unlike conventional EMUs, the Mark 1 and its predecessors use low-acceleration linear induction motor (LIM) as propulsion.  One of the main designers of the system is a mechanical engineer graduated from Queen's University located in Kingston, Ontario.  The principle of the LIM system is similar to that of the magnetic levitation system where low-acceleration linear synchronous motors (LSM) are used.  Unlike a conventional motor which produces a torque, LIM produces a linear force.  Its stator is "un-winded" and lays flat in between the tracks (see TTC picture below for a clearer view).  The "rotors" of the LIM is located under the bogies of the train.  Power comes from a third rail beside the tracks instead of an overhead cantenary system.  The Mark 1 can be operated manned or unmanned.  The TTC operates its Mark 1 fleet manned to keep the transit union happy while TransLink opted for the unmanned version.

The SkyTrain system is one of the first and longest fully automated rapid-transit systems in the world.  It uses a moving-block (as opposed to fixed blocks between signal posts) automatic train control (ATC) system developed by the French company Alcatel-Lucent.  The size of the blocks depends on frequency of the service and the safe emergency stopping distance required by the trains.  To determine this, computers use track grade along with current speed and other factors (e.g. location of other trains on the line) to constantly compute how long it takes the train to come to a complete stop.  The use of fully automated operation has not lead to a single accident yet.

* Location of the headquarters of Bombardier Transportation GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bombardier Inc. of Montreal, Quebec.


On 28 November, the Queen's Golden Gaels will be playing University of Calgary for the second time since 1983 for the Vanier Cup.  Time for revenge.  GO GAELS GO!

Queen's College colours we are wearing once again,
Soiled as they are by the battle and the rain,
Yet another victory to wipe away the stain!
So, Gaels, go in and win!

Oil thigh na Banrighinn a'Banrighinn gu brath!
Oil thigh na Banrighinn a'Banrighinn gu brath!
Oil thigh na Banrighinn a'Banrighinn gu brath!
Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill!

What's the sport of Kings?
Queen's! Queen's! Queen's!
Oil thigh na Banrighinn Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill!
Oil thigh na Banrighinn Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill!
Yay Queen's!

(Full lyrics can be found on Queen's Encyclopedia)


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