Swedish State Railways Class Rc

First I'd like to apologize... this was the first time I missed the Thursday night midnight (PT) posting time due to some time mismanagement. I've had a hectic week but it's no excuse.

The Class Rc locomotive is the most used electric locomotive in Sweden. It is designed by ASEA for both freight and passenger service and has originally been purchased by the Swedish State Railways in the late 1960s.

The domestic Rc locomotives come in 8 variants with a total of 360 units produced. At an overall length of 51 feet and weighing from 85 to 88 tons, the Rc is quite powerful at 4,800 horsepower for her small stature. Traction effort however suffers from such light weight and ranges from 53,000 to 65,000 pounds-force (ES44DC produces over 100,000 pounds at maxes out at 142,000 pounds), but it was sufficient for the designated uses of the Rc. Top speed of the Rc ranges from 85 to 112 miles per hour.

A number of railroads also operate the Rc or her derivatives, these include Norwegian State Railways, Iranian Railways, and our own lovely Amtrak (you guessed it, the 125 mph workhorse on the NEC, the AEM-7).

AEM-7, the little toaster or meatball we love and cherish


Eric said…
First time on your site, and I enjoyed viewing some of your VIA posts and especially video taken here at Kingston.

You might like to check out my two blogs, the first is a Canadian railway blog, featuring freight and passenger topics:


and the second features a book I created on the trains of VIA Rail:


I will be mentioning TOTW in an upcoming post on Trackside Treasure, and perhaps you'd consider mentioning my blog(s) on TOTW.

Thanks for sharing,

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