Trenitalia Frecciarossa 1000

The Frecciarossa (red arrow) 1000, a.k.a. V300 Zefiro, a.a.k.a. ETR (Elettro Treno Rapido, rapid electric train) 1000, is the next generation of VHST (very high-speed train) to serve the top notch high-speed service, the Frecciarossa, of Trenitalia, federally owned railroad operator of Italy. Being part of the Zefiro family, the Frecciarossa 1000 is the flagship next generation highly efficient HST and VHST Bombardier Transportation of Germany is developing. For this Italian flavor of the Zefiro, Italian firm AnsaldoBreda also joined forces. The 50 sets of V300 is Bombardier's second order of the highly anticipated very high-speed Zefiros.

The Frecciarossa 1000 comes in 8 car consists and is designed to have a maximum speed of 250 mph (220 mph in revenue service). Click here for a Google translated press release page (with pictures) from the State Railways of Italy on the Fecciarossa 1000. Do also check out the film below made by Trenitalia about this beautiful new very high speed train.


Unknown said…
Wow.. simply amazing, recently Italian transport operator Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane hosted the inaugural journey of the V300ZEFIRO very high speed train, known as the Frecciarossa 1000 in Italy.It's inaugural journey from Milan to Rome on 25 April 2015.

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