Indian Pacific

Somehow I vaguely remember writing about this transcontinental journey here but I cannot find it. Maybe I haven't after all, maybe it's memories from some tele programming I've seen instead. Anyway, even if I have it doesn't hurt to have a refreshed look at it.

The said train here is one of the few transcontinental trains still operating in the world. Like the transcontinental passenger train of North America (just to name a few, the Canadian/Super Continental, Empire Builder, California Zephyr, Southwest Chief; although I argue that we don't really have a true transcon except for the Sunset Limited before Hurricane Katrina), this train also features sleek stainless steel cars. The cars were built by Commonwealth Engineering in Australia (now owned by Bombardier), but I wouldn't be surprised if the design was borrowed from our favorite Budd Company (now part of ThyssenKrupp). These cars do spot striking similarities to our famous streamliners, especially with those familiar looking drop equalizer 4-wheel trucks (a clear picture of the trucks on the Indian Pacific can be seen here). They are not identical however, the Australian cars are only 75 feet long.

Beautiful streamlined stainless steel cars of the Canadian (left) and Indian Pacific (right). Click on picture to enlarge.
The Indian Pacific is indeed a true transcon, with her route spanning from the Pacific coast at Sydney to the Indian coast of Australia at Perth. The train takes a detour mid-route and makes a stop in Adelaide (southern terminus of the Ghan). Her 2,700 mile route includes the longest stretch of straight track in the world, a whopping 297 miles, over the Nullarbor Plain and the train makes this incredibly long journey in a mere 65 hours. The Indian Pacific operates once a week during off peak season and twice a week during peak season.


Anonymous said…
looks awesome... the tourist chick said it was $500 for an unlimited three month pass! which is not too bad
That sounds like a great deal. You should go for it! If it's anything like riding the Amtrak, you'll meet a lot of cool people on board I'm sure! I'm still in touch with two train buddies in America and one in Germany. Hopefully they still read this blog once in a while too!

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