A railfan music video

Argh I'm late again this week because I've lost track of time again. I haven't got anything nerdy to say this week. I was bumming around on YouTube and saw this music video made by some Japanese railfan on his channel. It's a composition of footages of trains running in and connecting to the Akita Shinkansen Komachi Service with some pop song in the background. Of course the lyrics are all in Japanese and I haven't got the slightest idea of what it's about. The name of the video, however, is Komachi Love Story.

Yeah pretty uncomfortable sounding name at first glance isn't it. I'm not sure if this is a mere cultural reference or maybe, hey, people's love for trains can reach substantial levels. Akita is a prefecture in northern Japan and home of (apparently, very) famous poet Ono no Komachi from way back in the days. It is said that she also happens to have been an exotic hottie. The word Komachi is synonymous with belles in the Japanese language. Neat.

There are a few models of trainsets presented in the film. Some of which I've actually posted about on this blog (feel free to use the search feature).


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