The Flying Hamburger

There isn't really too much to say this week, so I'll let Wikipedia, some pictures (from Wikimedia Commons), and a hella cool and old-school video (or at least part of it, from YouTube) do most of the talking.

So I was looking at early high-speed trains for something ever-so-slightly worked related the other day, and I came across this funky looking, Burlington Zephyr equivalent streamliner from the 1930s in Germany. Now this is way before the DB days, and the trainset was built by some company that's been gone for a while as well (however, here's a little Wikipedia history lesson of it if it fancies you).

So retro and futuristic at the same time
Hail, preservation!
So the culprit of this week (I'll lump the prototype and production trains together), at least the very first set of it, is apparently called the Flying Hamburger if you do a literal translation of its name. This trainset (SVT 877 for prototype, SVT 137 for production sets) was developed for the very same reason our Zephyrs were, to go fast. So fast that in 1933 when they were put into service, they regularly attended a top speed of 100 mph and averages up to 82 mph.


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