Škoda 109E (DB Class 102)

This week I feel like blogging about a locomotive from a lesser-known manufacturer in this part of the world. It's especially worth mentioning that this locomotive has recently been added to DB's procurement list to power push-pull DB Region trainsets.

Lokomotiva 109 E2.jpg
Lokomotiva 109 E2“ od Škoda Transportation – http://www.skoda.cz/cs/press-room/fotogalerie/. Licencováno pod CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

So the Škoda 109E locomotive, or whichever railroad classification number you may want to call it (it's aka the DB Class 102 in Germany), is quite standard in terms of her specifications go. There are four axles, each powered by a traction motor pumping out about 2 150 horsepower, and the top speed in service is 124 mph.

Brno, hlavní nádraží, lokomotiva 380.007 (03).jpg
Brno, hlavní nádraží, lokomotiva 380.007 (03)“ od HaroldVlastní dílo. Licencováno pod CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Enjoy the pictures and the quite beautifully made YouTube video (you've gotta see this one). I actually quite like the styling of this Czech locomotive. Also please feel free to read up this Wikipedia page.


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