MotivePower MP40PH-3C

This was the new GO Transit locomotive we were going to take a look at quite a while ago. Before I forget about it (although in reality I won’t), I’ll share a few things about it. This locomotive is of the MPXpress family of 4-axle low emission (EPA Tier 2) commuter locomotives designed and manufactured by MotivePower Inc. (part of Wabtec ) of Boise, Idaho. The MP40PH-3C is specifically designed for GO Transit, a division of Metrolinx , serving the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area , Ontario, for hauling longer 12-car GO Trains. With the Bombardier Bi-level coaches having a seating capacity of up to 162 passengers per carriage, each of these trains carry up to 1,944 passengers fully seated in and out of downtown Toronto . During rush hour, one GO Train carrying 2,000 passengers takes more than 1,700 cars off of the roads of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (using 1.15 persons per car, stat provided by GO Transit). GO 604 waiting for Oshawa Depa...