Pioneer Zephyr

This week, I’m gonna write about another piece of historically very important passenger railroad equipment that I’ve had the privilege to have a close encounter with and lay my hands upon. However, unlike the almost-mythical JetTrain, this streamlined, articulated, and stainless steel diesel-electric trainset is on display at a museum for the admiration of the masses. I’m talking about the Pioneer Zephyr at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago (located minutes walking-distance away from the 57th Street exit of the 55-56-57th Street Station of the Metra Electric Line). The beautiful Pioneer Zephyr The history of the Zephyr is abundantly available on the internet, and I won’t reiterate too much of it here. The takeaway is that though for the non-foamer general masses is that this train is an icon of American passenger railroading and has inspired the era of the railroad streamliners. She was built for the Chicago, Quincy and Burlington Railroad by the famous Budd Compan...