We can't change rule brakers so we'll punish people who follow rules
This week's post is based on some thoughts I've had after reading the TSB report on the Quebec rail disaster last year... I don't like to touch politics but the investigations and aftermaths have been very political events... It's been over a year since the rail disaster in Quebec. The TSB investigation report is finally out and is publicly available on their website (if you do care to read, Google it, it's not linked here). I didn't read it in great detail or try to analyze every little section. My intelligent reading stopped at the early part in the report where it stated that the locomotive engineman performed a handbrake effectiveness test with locomotive independent brakes applied. The rest of the report became a formality from there. A simple Google search will yield some quite detailed information on freight train brake systems in North America. Briefly speaking, for a conventional freight train, there are 3 sets of brakes. Two of which are pneumatic...